Sunday, July 19, 2015


My grandma was 79 before I was born. So we didn't grow up with the typical really active Grandma. However, I wouldn't change her for the world. Both grandpa's had passed on before we were born-so Grandma was the one we went to. I can remember having sleep overs at Grandma's and being excited about sleeping in since she didn't get up very early when I knew her. When we got up she would fix pancakes or oatmeal for us. For lunch she would make us mac & cheese out of the box. To this day I haven't tasted any as good as hers. I don't know what the secret ingredient was, but she added something.

Ever since I can remember we (everyone in the family, approximately 20) got a quilt every year for Christmas. She would always have embroidery or quilting in her hands. When she got older, I can remember her reading more. Always quilting or a book around. Grandma lived in her own home until the first part of June. Kayla & Garett moved in after they were married to help cook and clean. Grandma didn't eat well and was getting weaker so she went to the hospital with full intentions of going back home. I spent most of the nights with her and the moments we had I will cherish forever. When fluid started building in her lungs and around her heart and it was clear she wasn't going to make it, the decision was made to take her to Mom's and give her the best care we could (with Holton Community Hospice help-they are amazing!) and love on her until she went to be with her God. And that's what we did.

Grandma I will miss your ornery grins, your kisses, your quilts and knowing I can always go to Grandma's. Your independence, stubborness and strength will live on in your children and families. You were such a strong woman to live 102 years, go through what you've gone through and emerge on the other side as the happy and loving person you are.

Grandma liked being home. She didn't really like going anywhere. Whenever we would get her to go someplace and ask if she was ready to go home, she would reply, "anytime." Well, Grandma your anytime has arrived. We will miss you down here, but you're free. I hope your anytime is everything you deserve and more. If I need a chat, I know you'll be listening. Grandma I love you more than words can describe. Until we meet again Grandma-you enjoy your anytime.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Grandma, Dad and Life

Okay, so I'm still here and still planning on blogging, but life has interfered.

At the beginning of June, I spent a couple days at my parents cleaning out my old room so my Grandma could move in. She was there for just over a week when it was decided to take her to the hospital due to her being weak. She went with the full intention of returning to mom and dad's. Her lungs and around her heart started filling with fluids. When it was clear she wasn't getting better, we took her to my parents to love and take the best care of her that we could with the help of Holton Community Hospice (who are fantastic!) She was in the hospital for about a week. I spent most of the nights with her and will cherish the memories. She passed away Sunday, June 28th around 2:34 in the afternoon. I will post a blog later about my memories of Grandma.

So we had that going on in our lives. Just in case we hadn't spent enough time in hospitals and our emotions weren't crazy enough. Sunday night, we took my dad to the Onaga hospital. He had been acting odd. All weekend Mom was planning on getting him an appointment Monday. However, when he told her he fell in the shower a couple times, it was time to go that night.

A scan showed that he had blood on his brain so he was immediately shipped back to Topeka to the hospital. He had surgery on Monday to drain the blood. They were planning on him being able to be home to go the funeral on Friday. He didn't get the drain out until Friday morning. He made it to the lunch. He's going back in a couple weeks to see if the fluid is gone and staying gone. Hopefully, it will take care of itself now. He won't be able to do any farm work for quite some time.

It's of course a busy time on the farm as well. Wheat got cut this week, straw baled behind it, brome seed is being cut, hay to bale, more to drill, fertilizer to spread and of course the cows to still keep up with. Individual blogs about all these at some point is my goal.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say I'm still here and apologize for my lack of blogs. Hopefully, more to come this week even if it's not on Sunday, the scheduled blog day!