Sunday, April 13, 2014

Six Months!

My how fast time flies. My dear Forever and I have been married for six whole months. We're practically experts on the art of marriage! Our six month anniversary was on Saturday and true to Pagel romantic fashion we...built fence all day! When we called it a day for that, we went to my parents to spend some quality family time together. When we got down there, Mom had a cow that was having trouble calving. The next time you think that farmers don't take care of their animals you should have seen us. There was five of us trying to beat the storm to get her in to the barn. Then when we got her there, the vet came out in the pouring rain to get her all put back together. When it was all said and done, we got to bed about midnight. Matt was up at six this morning being Mr. Energizer Bunny. So this beautiful stormy afternoon is much appreciated to get some resting and relaxing in.

Me and My Forever in front of a corner post that we put in. We were exhausted and incredibly dirty.  Our six month anniversary photo. 

It's the little things in life that I cherish so much. This week Autumn was here and Matt and I saw her a couple times. It warmed my heart so much to see Matt playing with Autumn.

Kristen, Autumn and I. Such a beautiful day we spent some time on the porch.

Matt and Autumn playing. Yes he's sitting in a chair while she's running all over the place chasing her ball he's throwing. Why don't we have that much energy when we need it?

Autumn and Matt putting a puzzle together. I think Autumn put it together faster than Matt. 

This week we spent quite a bit of time building fence. Springtime is arriving and the grass is getting green. The saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side" comes to mind. This is what the cattle are thinking. Which means they are getting out. Which mean they are at a risk for getting hit by a passing vehicle. We don't want our cattle to get hurt nor do we want the risk for vehicles. That's why we value putting in good fence. It is very costly to buy the posts, wire, clips, labor to do it, etc. but is a necessity to us. It's hard work putting in the fence, but with tractors and skid loaders it's a lot easier than it used to be. Pagel fence building is an art and science all put together. It has to be done a certain way, in a certain order, with a certain side of post, etc. I'm learning a lot about all the different specifications they have. Luckily our Saturday help was here to help so I didn't have to help with the lifting of the posts or much of the tomping the posts in. 

Henry, Matt and Matt Watkins (our Saturday help). It's very important to get the cornerposts set straight and solid. They are tomping the posts into the ground. 

I'm so thankful to be in an occupation that I can be outside in the beautiful days.  And the not so beautiful days. 

We're going to be starting a very busy time of year. All the cattle are going to be getting worked and moved to grass, planting season is here, and the Herefords are going to start calving. Busy, busy, busy. Stay tuned for blogs about planting!

Just a couple more pictures that I took this week.
Everybody is burning their pastures to help control weeds and trees.

One of my parents calves saying hi to their dog, JJ. 

Matt leading some calves in to the grain bunks.

My recipe for this week is...

Popcorn Balls
1 cup popcorn
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup butter
1/2 lb. marshmallows

Pop popcorn the regular way. Put salt, butter and marshmallows on the stove to melt. (Watch carefully because it will get very sticky). Pour over the popcorn. Form into balls and enjoy. It helps when forming the balls to put butter on your hand. Don't have a picture of it, but have been craving them for a while. We made them growing up on days like today. They make me think of our childhood, back before we were all married and before Autumn was thought of. 

It's a perfect day to get your kiddos or husbands or others together to make some of these. They are delicious. Have a great week and enjoy!

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