Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pictures say a Thousand Words

I'm always amazed at how far a simple thank you can take you. After getting back from DC, I sent a thank you email to one of the gentlemen that helped us out a lot in DC (where to go, when to be there, etc) and added my blog link in it. He forwarded that on to Meagan at the State KFB office and I ended up in Kansas City a week later at a blog conference. Never, never, never underestimate a simple thank you. Give thanks and credit to the people that deserve it in your life.

Did you know there are full time bloggers? Like, they make enough money to be able to stay home all the time! In addition to that, they get to do a lot of traveling to do speaking. That blew my mind this week! Blogging is so important to companies that they are willing to pay somebody large amounts of money to do it for them and some places are even creating positions. I met more fashion and food bloggers this week than I even knew existed. Excited to foster some relationships with these. Also had the opportunity to officially meet and get to know the famous Chef Alli. Such an inspirational person, so strong in her faith and very patient with those of us that aren't very good cooks! Also, I met Meagan Cramer from the KFB office and look forward to working with her in the future. She's so great at organizing events and I'm very thankful for her inviting me to go with her to the conference.

I don't have a whole lot for this week, sorry. The week got away from me and I'm not feeling well at all tonight so I think I'm going to let the pictures talk for themselves and hopefully get back in the swing of thing this next week.

This is my parents dog, JJ. I was hauling hay and he decided that he wanted to go with me. He laid underneath my feet for a trip. Trying to convince Matt to let us get a dog. Think I should just show up with one sometime?

Also at my parents, cows have it figured. There were 2 cows babysitting about 25 calves while the rest of the moms were eating. Then they switch. What if we lived like they did and sacrificed unselfishly like that?

My dear Matt and his really expensive toy. Sometime there will be a blog about why we spray and what. 

Just a couple of the views from our hotel in KC. Yes, that is a rooftop swimming pool. 

These blog ladies are more creative than I am. Not a great picture, but a picture of the banner they had made for the conference. 

Right outside the Sprint Center in KC.

Union Station in KC.

This week I had a little bit of time to do some house work. I hung up our first wedding photo in a frame some of my friends made for us for the wedding. I got so excited when I saw it on the wall.  It makes the wall color so much better. It has only taken me 6 months to hang up our first picture, but I'm really excited about it!

Also hung up a P in our freshly painted bedroom. Another gift from a friend. First thing I'd hung up in our bedroom. It's the little things that I get so excited about. It's starting to sink in that this is my forever home and that the dishes, laundry, cleaning isn't going to happen unless Matt or I do it. (unless our moms come over, then they do it). We have real bills to pay that won't pay themselves and have to be paid on time. Welcome to big people world I guess right. You would think it wouldn't take six months for me to figure this out. I can guarantee that Matt isn't going to do any decorating in the house unless you consider decorating the floor with dirty socks and underwear art. So I get really excited about little things like hanging things on the walls or painting the walls.

So sometime this week I had time to do some cooking. It seems like forever ago, but it must have just been this week. I started to make meatballs and three quarters of the way through I found out that I didn't have 3 essentials ingredients that were needed in them so I switched to making meatloaf. Matt said he liked it and we kept it here rather than taking it to his parents like we do when he doesn't like something. Also, he started making some Italian Seasoned Southern Style Hashbrowns that I really like now. I think he got if from his sister, but they are really good. AND I made a pudding pie! For those of you that don't know me, this is an incredible feast for me and my cooking/baking skills. The corn is just out of a can. Not impressive I'm sure to some of you, but an accomplishment for me.

Hope you have a great week and I'm going to try really really hard to get a good blog about agriculture out next Sunday. 

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