Sunday, January 15, 2017

Ice Storm Prep/Reflection

This is going to be very brief. Everybody has a million things to do, myself included. This weekend there was a big ice storm predicted. Thank goodness in our part of the world, we didn't get nearly what was anticipated. However, there was still a lot of preparation in the last few days preparing for the worst. Our animals always take top priority, especially in bad weather and especially when there are babies ready to be born. We did have one baby this morning. Henry got her warmed up and into the barn and she is doing great. The forecast is set to be very warm, unseasonably warm, for the upcoming week so they will probably be moved out of the barn to their new pasture pretty quickly.

Some things that we did to prep for the storm...

  • Moved our to be calving cows (start date of January 27th) home so we can keep a close eye on them. Just like with humans, sometimes bad storms can start labor in cows. Obviously one so far on our farm. 
  • Hooked on our hay busters to make sure that the cattle would be fed. Sometimes when the weather is bad we can't get the pickup to them, but the cattle must be fed so the tractors will make it. (I broke the hay buster this morning when I went to use it, but that's another story. Whoops!)
  • Ensured that the other cattle have access to running water and getting fed really good. 
  • My Forever got the generators ready to go. (When we're feeding silage, the silos have to have electricity to run. The waterers are also very important. We had the conversation about what we would do if the power went out and getting power to our house was at the bottom of the list. The waterers must be working and we have to be able to get feed for the cattle.) 
  • I'm sure a lot of other stuff that I'm forgetting. 

So the first week of the year I talked about goal setting and having the conversation with the important people in your life. Last week we talked about and hopefully took some time to think about getting our priorities straight and what is really important in life. This week I just want to take a little bit of time to talk about bonks.

This is a term I was unfamiliar with until this morning. It was the title (Marriage Bonk) of one of the podcasts I listen to (One Extraordinary Marriage). Apparently it's a cyclist and running term. They are from California so maybe it's just a California thing? I don't really know. It means when you just hit a brick wall and have to take a second to stop, breathe and recover. Then you may or may not continue with your run/ride. They related it to marriage and how sometimes we hit a marriage bonk. Sometimes it amazes me how timely those podcasts are! Today was a rough day for My Forever and I. It started out with bad communication and really didn't get much better. You know happens. While I LOVE being able to work with him everyday and being with him all day, there are days that we just are NOT connecting. And that's okay. That's how our marriage grows...learning from days like today and where we go from here. We will fix it and tomorrow will be a great day. We hit a marriage bonk. We are taking a second to stop, breath and recover. We have decided the "d" word will never be considered in our marriage. We made our vows to each other in front of our family and friends. We will work through our problems and come out stronger. We will ALWAYS continue with our ride of marriage. Everyday will not be perfect. Period. I cannot expect it to be. I do, however, expect us to make it through the not so perfect days.

They gave some tips to get through these bonks. My favorite being to get some accountability in your life and ASK FOR HELP. So many of us hate to ask for help, hate to impose on other people. I can almost guarantee that you have people in your life that would be more than happy to help you! Just ask. This week I'm going to encourage you as the second full week of 2017 comes to an end, that you look at those goals you established. I hope you are still on track, but if you've fallen off a few I ask that you find those people in your life and put the accountability in. Ask them to help you! Whether that be working out together (you don't have to go to the gym together...set up a FaceTime while you both work out at home!) or coming home earlier in the evening after work, find an accountability partner. Don't let 2017 slip by simply because your goals fell off after the first couple weeks of the new year.

One of my new years goals was to read at least 10 minutes per day. I love listening to my podcasts, but there are so many books that I want to read. I haven't been very successful with this. Another goal was to workout at least 5 times/week. I've been pretty good about this, but do admit to skipping some just because it's late in the evening when we get home. This week I'm going to ask for your accountability and to hold me responsible. I'm going to get up at 6 am (I know some of you are up much earlier, but when it's dark until after 7 and we have chores to do around our house before going over to help with other chores and we need to see the cows, we can't get a very early start, so don't judge me! This will be a huge improvement for me!) anyway so I'm going to get up at 6 and get my workout in and reading time before My Forever gets up. This way I won't feel so negative in the evenings when he wants to work in the shop, but I haven't got a workout in or my reading. Then I can be more relaxed in the evening and be more present with My Forever. Please hold me accountable! I'm going to do this!

Spend some time this week, finding those people in your life that won't take your excuses, but will push you to be a stronger person! Have an amazing week and stay safe! 

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